Cloud Apps


Cloud Deployment models

Public Cloud - A public cloud environment is maintained by a subcontracted cloud provider and is accessible to many business users. Private Cloud - This cloud deployment model is a customized infrastructure owned by a single business. Hybrid Cloud – This is a combination of both Public & Private Cloud implementation

Cloud Services

Software as Service – This is a web-based approach where the entire underlying Infrastructure platforms are provided by third party vendors. Infrastructure as a Service – In this category the provider manages all the infrastructure and its maintenance like actual servers, network, virtualization, and storage etc. Platform as a Service – Third Party will be providing a platform upon which we can develop and manage individual own apps without having to build the infrastructure or environment that is needed


Cost effective – As the name indicates, Cloud literally means majority of the processing power and storage is managed remotely which result in direct reduction on the cost of infrastructure. Accessibility – Global access based on User Authentication. Reliable - When applications are hosted on trusted partners they are secured, and It also ensures that your data is safely and securely backed up remotely

Keylent helps you build the right Cloud Apps which will give you all the security and benefits that are present in the current markets and we extend our complete support for maintenance as well, making us a trusted partner.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Faster time to market:

Cloud computing enables easier process automation both on the IT team and across entire organizations —team members' time can be redirected to more strategic initiatives, such as getting new products, features, or updates to market before competitors.


Cloud computing offers the advantage of easily adjusting the allocation of resources according to changing demands, allowing for efficient scaling of computing power as needed. Users can easily adjust their computing power, storage capacity, and network bandwidth to accommodate changing needs, allowing for flexibility and cost optimization.

Cost Efficiency:

Cloud computing eliminates the need for organizations to invest in and maintain their own physical infrastructure, reducing capital expenses. With a pay-as-you-go model, businesses only pay for the resources they use, leading to cost savings and improved financial management.

Accessibility and Mobility:

Cloud services can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, enabling remote access to applications and data. This flexibility allows users to work from various locations and devices, promoting collaboration, productivity, and flexibility in work arrangements.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuities:

Cloud service providers typically employ reliable data backup and disaster recovery systems to ensure the security and availability of data. Data stored in the cloud is typically replicated across multiple servers and locations, ensuring data resilience and quick recovery in the event of a disaster or system failure.

Security and Data Protection:

Cloud providers invest heavily in security measures to protect data from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cyber threats. They employ advanced security technologies, encryption, access controls, and regular security audits to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

Collaboration and Efficiency:

Cloud computing enables real-time collaboration and document sharing among users, fostering teamwork and improving productivity. Multiple users can access and work on the same files simultaneously, enhancing communication and efficiency in collaborative projects.

Automatic Software Updates:

Cloud services handle software updates and maintenance, ensuring that applications and systems are regularly updated with the latest features, security patches, and bug fixes. This frees up users from manual updates and ensures they have access to the most up-to-date software.

Environmental Sustainability:

Cloud computing promotes resource optimization and shared infrastructure, leading to reduced energy consumption and carbon footprint compared to traditional IT setups. Cloud providers can achieve higher energy efficiency and sustainability in their data centers.

Limitations of Cloud Computing

Internet Dependency:

Cloud computing heavily relies on an internet connection. If the internet connection is slow, unreliable, or unavailable, it can disrupt access to cloud services and applications. This dependency on the internet can impact productivity and accessibility.

Downtime and Service Disruptions:

Cloud service providers may experience downtime or service disruptions due to technical issues, maintenance, or system upgrades. This can temporarily restrict access to cloud resources and affect business operations.

Data Security and Privacy Concerns:

When opting for cloud storage, users are essentially relying on a third-party provider to safeguard their data. Organizations may have concerns about data security, privacy, and confidentiality. Data breaches, unauthorized access, or data loss can pose significant risks, especially if sensitive or regulated data is involved.

Limited Control and Customization:

Cloud computing services are typically standardized to accommodate a wide range of users. This means limited control over the underlying infrastructure and limited ability to customize the environment to specific needs or requirements. Organizations may face limitations in terms of software configurations, resource allocation, and performance optimizations.

Vendor Reliability and Lock-In:

Organizations depend on cloud service providers for their infrastructure and services. Reliability and trustworthiness of the provider become critical factors. Vendor lock-in can occur when it becomes difficult to migrate from one cloud provider to another due to proprietary formats, dependencies, or lack of interoperability.

Compliance and Legal Considerations:

Depending on the industry or location, organizations may be subject to various compliance and regulatory requirements. Ensuring compliance and addressing legal considerations when using cloud services can be challenging. Organizations must carefully evaluate the cloud provider's certifications, security measures, and data handling practices to meet regulatory obligations.

Performance and Latency:

Cloud computing relies on network connectivity, and the performance can be affected by network latency or bandwidth limitations. Applications with high-performance requirements or real-time processing may face challenges when latency is a concern.

Cost Management and Hidden Expenses:

While cloud computing can provide cost savings, it's important to carefully manage costs and understand the pricing models. Without proper monitoring and resource optimization, cloud costs can quickly accumulate, especially if there is inefficient resource usage or unexpected charges for data transfer, storage, or additional services.

Cloud Computing

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Types Of Cloud Computing Services

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offers virtual computing resources accessible via the internet. It enables users to utilize virtualized infrastructure for their computing needs. It offers virtual servers, storage, and networking infrastructure, allowing users to build and manage their own applications and systems without the need for physical hardware.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) empowers developers with a platform and environment to create, deploy, and oversee applications efficiently. It offers developers the t includes the underlying infrastructure, operating system, development tools, and middleware, enabling developers to focus on application development rather than managing the infrastructure.

Software as a Service (SaaS) distributes software applications via the internet through subscription models, enabling users to access and utilize them via web browsers without the hassle of installation or upkeep. Common SaaS examples include email services, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and productivity tools. Serverless Computing liberates developers from the complexities of managing underlying infrastructure by enabling them to focus on writing and deploying code seamlessly. It eliminates the need to provision or manage servers, as the cloud provider takes care of automatically scaling and managing the resources required to run the code.

Containerization: Containers provide a lightweight and isolated environment for running applications. They package applications with their dependencies, allowing for consistent deployment across different environments. Container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes enable efficient management of containerized applications in the cloud.

Function as a Service (FaaS): FaaS, also known as serverless functions, allows developers to write and execute code in the cloud without managing servers or infrastructure. It enables running individual functions in response to events, providing scalability and cost-efficiency for executing specific tasks or microservices.

Data Storage and Database Services: Cloud computing offers various storage and database services. These include object storage for storing files and data, block storage for virtual machines, and managed database services for scalable and reliable data storage and management.

Networking and Content Delivery: Cloud providers offer networking services such as virtual networks, load balancing, and content delivery networks (CDNs). These services enable secure and efficient communication between resources, improve application performance, and deliver content to users globally.

Cloud Computing

Image by 200 Degrees from Pixabay

Cloud Deployment Models:

Cloud deployment models are various approaches used to provision, manage, and provide cloud computing resources and services to users.

There exist four main cloud deployment models:

  1. Public Cloud: The public cloud model involves third-party service providers owning and operating cloud resources and services. These resources, such as computing power, storage, networking, and software applications, are made accessible to the general public via the internet. Public cloud deployments are known for their scalability, cost-effectiveness, and wide availability to diverse users.

  2. Private Cloud: A private cloud refers to a cloud infrastructure that is solely dedicated to one organization. It can be situated within the organization's own data center or hosted by a third-party provider. Private clouds offer enhanced security, control, and customization choices compared to public clouds. Organizations with strict compliance, security, or data privacy needs frequently choose private cloud implementations.

  3. Hybrid Cloud: Hybrid cloud deployments integrate features from both public and private clouds, enabling organizations to leverage the advantages provided by each model. In a hybrid cloud setup, organizations have the flexibility to run specific workloads or store certain data in a private cloud while utilizing public cloud resources for other workloads. This approach offers scalability, flexibility, and the ability to maximize existing infrastructure investments while benefiting from additional cloud resources when required.

  4. Multi-Cloud: Multi-cloud entails utilizing multiple public cloud providers or a combination of public and private clouds to distribute workloads and services across diverse platforms. This approach empowers organizations to circumvent dependency on a single vendor, optimize performance, and capitalize on distinct features or services offered by various cloud providers. Managing a multi-cloud environment necessitates effective coordination and integration between the different cloud platforms involved.

In conclusion, Keylent stands out as a leader in delivering top-notch cloud application services. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we provide businesses with unparalleled solutions, ensuring optimal performance, scalability, and efficiency in the cloud environment.

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